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Five Ways a Portable Power Station Can Change Your Van Life

There is something wonderfully attractive about van life: the open road, freedom, and the surprising calm that comes with knowing that everything you need is in one tiny, mobile space. 

Yet one practical point that sometimes holds people back is how to get enough energy to power what you need while in the van. Some choose to install solar panels on the roofs, and others use gas, but a third option is gaining popularity: portable power stations. 

Here are five ways that they can benefit your van life experience. 

1. Easy to Run  

If you're a little vague about your electrical wiring skills, the thought of installing an entire system in your van can be a little daunting. Certainly not impossible, but challenging nonetheless. 

Having a portable power station in your van makes things incredibly easy. You can plug in any appliances you wish and, just like that, you have power. There's no need for complicated wiring running behind the walls; just plug in and go. 

2. Multiple Sockets 

Gone are the days of needing to ration plug sockets. Today's portable power stations come with multiple plug-in options, which include AC and USB ports. These inputs provide more than enough sockets to go around, meaning you can cook, charge your phone and listen to music on your laptop simultaneously without skipping a beat. 

3. Solar Option

Portable power stations alone cannot generate power as they require charging themselves. It can lead to an issue if you're away in your van for an extended time. But don't worry—there's an infinitely powerful energy option right above you. 

Adding solar panels to your van, either on the roof or on the ground when you stop, is an excellent way to generate the energy you need. 

However, we need to add realism to the equation when using solar panels to charge a portable power station. While the sun is constantly giving off more than enough energy needed, it doesn't always reach us. With that in mind, it's always worth checking out a solar insolation map to get a good idea of how much sun you will get in your area.  

4. EV Station Charging 

Luckily for van-lifers, there is another excellent option when the sun isn't shining. EV station charging is principally there to charge electric vehicles, but more and more portable power stations are coming with an option that allows you to charge them using the same ports as cars. 

You can fully charge the top-end power stations in this way in less than 2 hours, and with more than 41,000 charging stations around the United States, finding one is getting easier by the day.   

5. Portability  

One of the most significant benefits of having a power station in your van is that you can unplug it and take it with you if you need some portable power wherever you're heading. 

OK, some of the larger stations aren't exactly light. You probably wouldn't want to be lugging it around for too long. Still, the small options are compact enough to fit into a backpack when needed. 


Having a portable power station in your van makes sense on several levels. They are powerful enough to supply all your energy needs and significantly easier to use than larger electrical systems linked throughout the van. If you can get a good quality solar panel and stay on the lookout for EV charging points, you should have more than enough options to charge your power station and keep your van ticking over.  

Then there is the versatility, where portable power stations come into their own. Part of what makes van life so appealing is the freedom and spontaneity. With a portable power supply that you can grab and go at a moment's notice, your horizons expand dramatically. Fancy hiking up to that distant ridge and camping at that beautiful viewpoint? No problem. Need a power source that you can quickly load into your backpack? Also not a problem. 

In terms of van life, portable power stations might be the future. Quick, easy, and powerful—it's technology that doesn't detract from the magic.